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Bachelor of Labour Management (BLM) & Bachelor of Labour Management Honours (BLM Hons.)

From 2020, IHRA got the opportunity and the approval to offer a Bachelors’ Degree in Labour Management as a 3-year program as well as the approval to offer a 4-year honours degree under the same title. This new orientation provides students with the ability of learning many new subject combinations which are unparallel to any other programme of study leading to a Bachelors’ degree.

The Bachelors’ degree in Labour Management is offered as an internal degree of the University of Colombo at its General Convocation. The Bachelors’ degree in Labour Management is compatible with SLQF Level 05 and the Bachelors’ degree (honours) in Labour Management is compatible with SLQF Level 06. A student will be selected to follow the 4 years honours degree based upon her/his results of the first three years and the availability of resources at the IHRA. Bachelors’ program is conducted in both Sinhala and English.

More on BLM

The Institute of Human Resource Advancement (IHRA) is an Institute attached to the University of Colombo which is recognized as one of the top one thousand Universities in the World. The Institute of Human Resource Advancement was initially started as the Institute of Workers Education by Ordinance No 11 of 1979 which was enacted under the provisions of the Universities Act No 16 of 1978 and by a subsequent amendment made to the original enactment by Ordinance No 01 of 2006, it was renamed as the Institute of Human Resource Advancement.

The Institute calls for suitable candidates to apply for its Bachelor in Labour Management and Diploma in Labour Education programs every year through newspaper advertisement and through its website ( while the Bachelors’ program is made available to those who possess either Advanced Level Qualifications or those who have obtained an Diploma which is equivalent to SLQF Level 03, those who do not possess such qualifications can join with the degree by successfully completing the Diploma program which is designed as a bridging program. To apply for the Diploma program, one must possess six passes at the Ordinary Level examination, where out of which three passes must be either credit passes or better and same shall be obtained by an applicant in one and the same sitting.

These programs are particularly made for those who for different reasons have been deprived of higher education, whether it be for economic reasons or due to a lack of opportunities available at higher education. IHRA caters to give them a second opportunity at learning. With the motto of “Knowledge gatherers for a knowledge-based economy” IHRA endeavor to inculcate knowledge and skills among those who comes to experience IHRA. IHRA through its Bachelors’ program and Diploma in Labour Education program strives to contribute to the betterment of the nations’ economy through producing individuals who are able to go further with their careers and to make their own share of contribution to the development of the country as a whole. With this mandate, IHRA has achieved tremendous highest and its Bachelors’ program is now compatible with SLQF Level 05 and 06.

Program Duration: 3 Years

Program Medium: Sinhala

Lecture Hours:

  • In case where face to face physical lecture is conducted, they will be conducted from 5.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on every weekday from Monday to Friday without a break at the premises of the University of Colombo.
  • In case where lectures are conducted through online mode (Zoom, MS Teams), they will be conducted from 7.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. without a break.
  • Students are required to attend the lectures on time and if a student is late by more than 10 minutes from the scheduled time, her/his attendance for that date will not be calculated.
  • Each student is required to maintain 80% attendance out of the total number of lectures conducted for a given subject in order to become eligible for the examination.

Target Group

The Master of Business Management program offered by IHRA at the University of Colombo is designed for ambitious individuals who aspire to become influential leaders in the business world. Whether you are a recent graduate seeking to sharpen your business acumen or a seasoned professional aiming to enhance your managerial skills, our program caters to a diverse range of target groups, fostering a dynamic learning environment where ideas flourish, networks grow, and success becomes attainable for all.

Examination Procedure

Examinations are conducted on a semester basis and a student must be a registered student for a particular academic year in order to apply for semester examinations. It is also mandatory to have secured 80% attendance out of the total number of lectures conducted for a particular subject. Examination fees as stipulated by IHRA must be made to the Thimbirigasyaya Brach of the people’s bank by crediting the stipulated amounts to the account number notified to the students.

Entry Qualifications

Any Diploma which is equivalent to Sri Lanka Qualification Framework Level 03 (SLQF Level 03) offered by this Institute or any other Higher Learning Institute:
Has passed G.C.E Advanced Level examination in four subjects (prior to 2000) in one and same sitting or passed three subjects (after 2000) in one and same sitting as the case may be:
Has passed Diploma in Labour Studies conducted by this Institute:
Is not less than 22 years of age:
Is currently being employed/self-employed and has at least two years of work experience as an employee or a self-employed person after having the above academic qualifications:
Has reached the qualifying standard in Academic Ability and Readiness as determined by the Institute at a selection Test and at an interview conducted by the Institute.

Contact Details

Program Coordinator of BLM First & Second Year:

Ms. KPS Sandamali (Lecturer)
Contact: +94 11 258 1504
Office Location: 1st Floor, IHRA, UoC.

Program Coordinator of BLM Third Year:

Mr. Nihal Hewage (Senior Lecturer)
Contact: +94 11 258 1504
Office Location: BLM Unit, First Floor, IHRA, UoC.

Program Coordinator of BLM Fourth Year:

Dr. Wijayantha Ukwatte
Contact: +94 11 258 1504
Office Location: 1st Floor, IHRA, UoC.